Real Time Reporting
Real-time reporting is a service that only professionally-trained stenotype digital reporters can provide. Churchill Reporting will assign only the most experienced and skilled reporters for your case and provide you with the cable hookup. We can provide web-streaming of the transcript or connect to your laptop by using a serial port connection.
With interactive real-time, your computer, laptop or tablet can receive the text output from the digital reporter’s stenography machine while testimony is ongoing. You can navigate through the unedited text via a series of easily learned commands that mark and save text, insert notes and issue codes, perform searches of text, and more. Once the deposition is concluded, all text and annotations can be saved for later use. With streaming real-time, you can virtually attend a deposition that is taking place anywhere in the world. The deponent’s testimony will appear in writing on your screen as he speaks. We can simultaneously provide a video stream of the deposition.
Upon request, we’ll provide you with an “uncertified” rough transcript, available on CD or via e-mail download. Of course, an uncertified rough transcript is no replacement for the official certified transcript, but sometimes you need the convenience and speed that a “serviceable” uncertified transcript provides. Deaf or hearing-impaired individuals are instantly involved in a proceeding. In multi-day hearings, review today’s transcript in preparation for tomorrow’s proceedings. Correct misheard words immediately, before they are entered into the official transcript. It is also more efficient to use real-time if an interpreter is being used for the deposition. As always, we will provide the most highly skilled digital reporters in the industry to make your real-time experience a positive one. Let one of our highly skilled Churchill Reporting provide realtime at your next deposition.

Churchill’ realtime reporters are experienced in providing realtime transcripts to attorneys within the same room or across the globe. All realtime feeds via the Internet are transmitted to a secure server and any number of users can be logged into the server to receive the transcript text with proper logins and passwords. Realtime reporting is convenient and cost effective. As Churchill’ realtime reporters write the transcripts, they appear in English on a linked computer screen. In addition to seeing the transcript text, the attorney and remote attendees can also:
- Start And Stop Text Scrolling
- Create And Find Annotations And Quick Marks
- Mark A Line Of Transcript With An Issue
- Conduct Full Text Queries Across Multiple Transcripts In Full Text
- Run Reports In Full Text
- Search Previous Testimony While Viewing Ongoing Testimony
- Send Realtime Messages To Team Members During A Realtime Transcript Session
- Save Received Messages With The Realtime Transcript
- Hear Testimony Through Realtime Audio Streaming
The realtime transcript text appears on your screen as Churchill’s digital reporter transcribes. Partially close your laptop to keep the scrolling feed from distracting you. Then, just press the Space Bar to mark testimony for follow-up later. This way, you can keep your eyes on the deponent – not the laptop!
If you want to mark testimony with more than just a Quick Mark, apply a color-coded Issue Mark by pressing a number key.
At any time during or after the realtime session, double click an earlier mark to jump back to its location in the transcript. Press the Esc key to return to the current line of live text.
In addition to realtime transcript text, you can utilize the instant messaging feature and receive the live audio and video. Give us a call and we can provide a realtime solution that works for your litigation needs.